Davidsons (Rainforest) Plum

Davidson Plum Map

Natural History

Made from the Davidsons Rainforest Plum Davidsonia Pruriens var jersenaya or the northern NSW smooth Davidsons plum to be precise, these little fruit are about the size of golf balls and grow directly on the trunk of the tree. The Davidsons plum is a small attractive rainforest under-storey tree and is very rare in the wild. You can see the natural range (red) of the Davidsons Plum in the map. The yellow dots are where our Plums come from.

All our fruit come from small organic plantations in the Byron Bay - Lismore area near the border with Queensland. 

 Davidsons Plum Tree

Left is a 4 year old tree with unripe fruit, part of one of our supplier's crops in northern NSW. 

The plums turn a dark blue-burgundy when ripe and are then hand harvested, partially frozen, then the two small seeds are removed, then fully frozen and sent by frozen transport to Kurrajong where they are processed by Lee in the Kitchen!

Cultural History

There is no formal record of the Davidsons plums being eaten by Aboriginal people, they are incredibly sour and tart when eaten straight from the tree which is why they make such a good jam. I am sure that the plums were eaten by the rainforest tribes and may have been used with seed damper to add some flavour.